Nursing Interventions Pain (Acute / Chronic) Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nursing Care Plan for Pain (Acute / Chronic) Rheumatoid Arthritis Nursing Diagnosis for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain (Acute / Chronic) related to: Tissue distension, by the accumulation of fluid / inflammatory process. Joint destruction. Can be evidenced by: Complaints of pain, discomfort, fatigue. Focusing on yourself / narrowing the focus. Behavior distraction / autonomic response. Behavior that is carefully / protect. Expected outcomes: Showed pain relief / control. Looks relaxed, able to sleep / rest and participate in activities according to ability. Following pharmacological prescription program. Combining the skills of relaxation and entertainment activities in a pain control program. Intervention and Rational: 1. Investigate complaints of pain, note the location and intensity (scale of 0-10). Note the factors that accelerate and signs of pain in non-verbal. Rational: Assist in determining the need for pain management, and program effectiveness....